Translate and MARKET
your WHOLE Website
Add this ONE LINE of code to each web page
<script src="https://api.1l2m.com/"></script>
Instant Web Page Translations
In UNDER 1 second

Do you want to manage a team of translators who can synchronize last-minute changes in WEEKS?
Do you want Translation-Solutions-as-a- Service
... that can AUTOMATE last-minute changes?
Translate and Display EACH web page in under 1 second!
Add this ONE LINE of code to each web page that you want connected to us ...
<script src="https://api.1l2m.com/"></script>
Do you want Translation-Solutions-as-a- Service
... that can AUTOMATE last-minute changes?
Translate and Display EACH web page in under 1 second!
Add this ONE LINE of code to each web page that you want connected to us ...
<script src="https://api.1l2m.com/"></script>
... and GET THIS ... in UNDER 1 second!
Your HTML website -
AI transformed
AI Images
(enterprise version)
AI Videos
(enterprise version)
10x Market Penetration
Your HTML website -
AI transformed
AI Images (enterprise version)
AI Videos (enterprise version) echo
10x Market Penetration
AI Images (enterprise version)
AI Videos (enterprise version) echo
10x Market Penetration
With NO Extra Staff
200+ NEW Markets!

Translations - from any language - to any language