Translate and MARKET
your WHOLE Website by ADDINNG
Just One Line of Code

Add this ONE LINE of code to each web page
<script src=""></script>

About Us

Starts with just One Line of Code
<script src=""></script>

You translate your website and you get customers from MANY countries - but then what?
How do you KEEP them? - without breaking the bank?

Ai All-in-One Support Tools

Go where they are - in Social Media! And let AI do all the heavy lifting

POST in any Language
READ in THE SAME Language

Our "One Line To Market" API creates this image ANYWHERE
All you need to do is to CLICK the image
Click Me

Ai Generated Content

You can use Ai to generate articles, blog posts, social media posts and other types of written content.

GENERATE in any Language

Our "One Line To Market" API creates this image ANYWHERE
All you need to do - to retrieve PERMANENTLY STORED content - is to CLICK the image
Click Me

Ai Forums

One of the best ways to drive engagement is to build a sense of community around your website. It’s worth considering starting up a forum.

POST in any Language
READ in THE SAME Language

Our "One Line To Market" API creates this image ANYWHERE
All you need to do is to CLICK the image
Click Me

Ai Client-side Emails

Send Translated Emails DIRECTLY to your browser's built-in Email service

Our "One Line To Market" API creates this image ANYWHERE
All you need to do is to CLICK the image
Click Me

Charitable Marketing

This is a strategy that involves promoting social causes or charitable initiatives while simultaneously working to enhance brand reputation, build customer loyalty, and drive sales. This approach emphasizes your commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices.

It can take various forms
• Cause-Related Marketing
• Sponsorships and Donations
• Membership / Employee Engagement Programs
• Awareness Campaigns
• Collaborations with Nonprofits

Our "One Line To Market" API creates this image ANYWHERE
All you need to do is to CLICK the image
Click Me
Ai - Creation and Delivery o- of translated Images and Videos
- synchronized to the language of the VIEWER
- VIEWERs only see "text" images in THEIR language



Coming Soon

New Markets

10 x MORE Marketplaces
Add this ONE LINE of code
<script src=""></script>
and GET this ... in 3 minutes

200+ NEW Markets!

Translations - from any language - to any language

What makkes us different?

We are a browser-display translator
a server-rewrite translator
We show the translated webpage as directed by EACH client - after they contact your website
Changes are made on each browser - not on your server.

  • This means that   you deliver the one-and-only version of your website
  • This means that   you can customize code for your localized audience.
  • This means that   you do not need to do everything!

We are a browser-display SYSTEM
We can add translations - but we can also add ANYTHING ELSE that you need.

All you need to do is decide if these tools work for you.

Ai All-in-One Support Tools

Go where they are - in Social Media! And let Ai do all the heavy lifting
- POST in any Language
- READ in THE SAME Language

Ai Generated Content

You can use Ai to help your members generate articles, blog posts, social media posts and other types of written content.
- GENERATE in any Language
- RECEIVE in THE SAME Language

Ai Forums

One of the best ways to drive engagement is to build a sense of community around your website.
- POST in any Language
- READ in THE SAME Language

Ai Client-side Emails

Send Translated Emails DIRECTLY to your browser's built-in Email service

Charitable Marketing

This is a strategy that involves promoting social causes or charitable initiatives while simultaneously working to enhance brand reputation, build customer loyalty, and drive sales.

Ai Images and Videos

- synchronized to the language of the VIEWER
- viewers only see "text" images in THEIR language


Check Our Pricing

Standard Translations

Websites with no back office

$9.95 / month

No long-term commitment
  • 5 languages included
  • all software available
  • Pre-payment only
  • Crypto Currency ONLY
  • Start with your Free Trial

PRO Translations

Websites with a back office

$4.95 / month / member

Mininum: $4,950 / month
  • 15 languages included
  • all software included
  • Pre-payment only
  • ACH transfer ONLY
  • Start with your Free Trial

Affiliate Program

No purchase necessaty

10% / month

Gross commission
  • all languages included
  • all software included
  • Crypto Currency ONLY
  • Must have a ID
  • Start with your Free Trial

Your Emal:

Click Here for your FREE TRIAL!

Frequently Asked Questions

Hook Up

Add this ONE LINE of code INSIDE <head></head> you want attached to us

        <script src=''></script>


Trial Translations

Code your website to show trial translations to ONLY your IP address

           if ( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '<< YOUR IP >>' )
              echo <<< HTML
                 <script src=''></script>


Real Translations

        Contact us when you are ready 


Not Translate

If you do not want a phrase ( or page ) translated, surround that text with:

       <!-- NOtr -->  .... <!-- NOtrEND -->


Customize Flags Placement

We place Flags ( the ability of YOUR users to see YOUR webpage in THEIR language ) at the bottom of THE FIRST PAGE
To customize the location of ther Flags, place this where you want the flags to show:

        <div id="trFlags"></div>


JQuery edits required

Add translate.snippet

   var data = "Hello World"


       var data = "Hello World"
       translate.snippet( data, translated => {
           data = translated


JQuery edits required

Add translate.snippet

$.post({url:"YOUR_AJAX_FILE" ...
   success:function( data ) {
     $("#demo").html( data );


$.post({url:"YOUR_AJAX_FILE" ...
   success:function( data ) {
        translate.snippet ( data,translated) => {
           $("#demo").html( translated );


JQuery edits required

Add translate.snippet

   const data = {
     subject:  "Subject",
     message: "Message",
     email:   "",
     from:   "you$",
     fromName: "Your Website Support"
  fetch( "YOUR EMAIL PROGRAM", {
     method: "POST",
     body: JSON.stringify( data ),


   const data = {
     subject  : "Subject",
     message  : "Message",
     email:   "",
     from:   "",
     fromName: "Your Website Support"
translate.snippet ( data, translated) => {
  fetch( "your PHPMailer program ONLY!", {
     method: "POST",
     body: JSON.stringify( translated ),


Hire us to create the imap routines - or 
download and implement the code at:

Display Translated Images

To display images that you provide - use the attribute translate="yes" inside the image tag
  • You must have one image per language
  • Each image must reside in the same location
  • Each image must end in the ISO 639-1 standard language codes (

       <img src="image-name.EN.[jpg,png,gif,webp]" translate="yes"">


Create and Display Translated Images

To display images that WE provide - use the attribute translate="provide" inside the image tag
  • You can use ANY name
  • We will provide the correct image as needed

       <img src=" ..." translate="provide">


Display Translated Videos

To display videos that you provide - use the attribute translate="yes" inside the iframe tag
  • You must have one video per language
  • Each video must reside in the same location
  • Each video must end in the ISO 639-1 standard language codes (

       <iframe src="video-name.EN.mp4" translate="yes"">


Create and Display Translated Videos

To display videos that WE provide - use the attribute translate="provide" inside the iframe tag
  • You can use ANY name
  • We will provide the correct video as needed - from our own Video Server

       <iframe src=" ..." translate="provide">


Understanding Authentication Token

    Instead of relying solely on session IDs, many websites employ token-based authentication (like JSON Web Tokens):
  • **Token Generation:** After a user logs in, the server generates a token that contains user information (encrypted and signed) and sends it to the client.
  • **State Maintenance:** This token is sent along with each request made by the client (usually in the headers). It allows the server to validate the user's identity without requiring repeated logins.

Stateful Translations

The originating website is accessed JUST ONCE and all protocol interaction is created and controlled by the originating website. When a user click one of our translation flags, the process STAYS WITHIN the webpage and ONLY provides a translation of words. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT ANY TOKENS GENERATED AND CONTROLLED by the users' communication with the originating website.

Stateless Translations

When the user wants, say, an email to be generated, our software has created translate.snippet< to produce the desired result - WITHOUT AFFECTING ANY TOKENS


Check Our Contact

Email Us

Your message has been sent. Thank you!