Your Website - viewed by your customers in their preferred language

STARTS AS a browser-display translator - showing the translated HTML (the language of the Internet) - as directed by the end-user - happens AFTER a client contacts your website
    Changes are made on each browser - not on your server
  • This means that you deliver the one-and-only version of your website AND THEN we change the words, as needed, but not the "look and feel".
  • This means that you can customize code for your localized audience.
  • This means that you can choose any other third-party to "add" their software to your website - IF they follow our published API.
  • This means that you do not need to do everything!

We are NOT a translations company. We are a delivery system that translates everything - using 4 of the best translators from around the world!
EVERYTHING needed to GROW your website business
for EVERYBODY / EVERYWHERE in their own language
A. For you, the website owner
    All the pieces in place to handle any growth
  • · website tracking and evaluation system - to evaluate advertising campaigns
    • · monthly evaluation of language penetration
    • · monthly clicks comparison charts
  • · hire the right people at the right time from anywhere in the world

B. For your customers
    All the pieces in place to handle any growth
  • · Simple and easy to use on-line chat and support system
  • · Simple and easy to use on-line e-commerce shopping cart
  • · Simple and easy to use on-line payment options

C. For your staff
    All the pieces in place to handle any growth
  • · Supervised chats/training - Emails and Training Material - Group text chats - up to 50 people
  • · Tools for you to upload or create standardized email, blogs, faqs, back office support information, images, videos, pdfs

D. For your growth
  • · White label our services!

The World Wide Web is designed for clients to receive information.
The intent of the delivery system (https://) is to FORBID SPOOFING from third-party servers.
    The Simple Solution is that:
  • the delivery system IS LOCKED to ONE server to prevent ANY cross manipulation.
    1. The Consequence is that:
    2. the delivery system is CONTROLLED by BIG PLAYERS who have the money to create all-incompasing websites.
    3. the delivery system PREVENTS small players from selling their wares, unless they sell out to the BIG PLAYERS for 40-60% of the selling price, by charging EXORBITANT FEES for "the coveted" front-page of search engine rersults.
    4. the delivery system PREVENTS innovation from non-English speaking enterpreneurs by segregation search engines into languages.
Just ADD this ONE LINE
<script src=""></script>

View 10 different websites - but go to ONLY ONE!
AND ... because they can do this WITH THE SAME SECURITY ...
YOU can lease add-ons to your website!

Each add-on comes from
an independent third-party!
  • JITware is a REVOLUTION in web-based software
  • YOU can now lease Add-ons!
  • You do you - leave the rest to us!
Just ADD this ONE LINE
<script src=""></script>


This application discloses a novel, fast and efficient method for opening the (normally closed) communication pathway between a website content "Primary Server" and a "Browser", to allow a single but trusted "Unrelated Server" to directly modify the content displayed by the "Browser", in a manner directly controlled by the "Primary Server".

For example: This method allows for the display of the message (not the content) from a "Primary Server" by-way-of localized translation content that is stored on an "Unrelated Server" in a manner consistent with the layout design of the "Primary Server".

For example: This method allows for the display of NEW content – stored on an "Unrelated Server" – to be displayed on a "Browser" in a manner consistent with the layout design of the "Primary Server".


"W3C Rules": Protocols for communications and content display over the internet as established by the World Wide Web Consortium.
"Device": Any computing product that engages in communications protocols that are governed by the W3C Rules, including, without limitation, rack-mounted servers and consumer goods marketed as "internet enabled desktops, tablets, smart TVs, cell phones, augmented-reality devices and watches"
"Browser": The "W3C Rules"-compliant software installed on a "Device" (including, without limitation, open-design Chrome, Edge or Firefox and closed-design Cordova, React, Ionic, Swiftify and iPhone Operating Systems) that present a structure for the display of content received over the internet.
"Client": A person who is seeking information from the internet by-way-of a "Browser" residing inside a "Device".
"Primary Server": A "Device" with installed software that enables it to send content to a "Browser" connected to it by-way-of the internet protocols defined as "W3C Rules".
"Unrelated Server": A "Device" with installed software that enables it to send augmented information directly to a "Browser" that is communicating with a "Primary Server".
"Plugin": A simple "type this" computer instruction that DOES NOT CONTAIN any specialized knowledge to properly implement it. It works, or it doesn’t work.
"Content": Text and pointers to images and other media content, followed by instructions of formatting and control, as sent by a Server – identifiable by the key strokes that activate "View Source"
"Component": Text and actual images and other media content, that are positioned in a Browser workspace - identifiable by the key strokes that activate "Inspector" - and rasterized to a form that can be presented on a Device.


Current Website Content Display
Currently, internet website "Content" is created and/or collected only at the "Primary Server" before being sent to a "Browser". This is the procedure incorporated since the dawn of the internet that is used to implement the "W3C Rules" of a closed/secure communication pathway. Accordingly, the "Primary Server" only activates the viewing role features of the "Browser", as it identifies itself as the one and only trusted party. However, given the asynchronized nature of internet communication, there is an opportunity to add one more "Unrelated Server" to the mix without violating the W3C Rules. This mixing with an "Unrelated Server" has never before been implemented.
Proposed Website Content Display
The method disclosed here causes the VIEWING "Component" of the "Browser" workspace (different from, but derived from, the viewing "Content" it receives) to be collected by the SERVER component of the "Browser and" transmitted directly to a trusted "Unrelated Server", receiving back new viewing "Content" that the "Browser" then re-writes into a new viewing "Component" – using the instruction set incorporated by the "Primary Server" - all within the strict "W3C Rules" of a closed/secure communication pathway between the "Browser" and (now) Trusted Servers.. All of the security features required by the "Browser" implementation of the "W3C Rules" are satisfied when the "Browser" sends the "Primary Server" "Content" to its VIEWING "Component". The "Unrelated Server" can augment content, but cannot re-introduce protocol to the "Browser" that the "Browser" has not pre-secured from the "Primary Server". The options available to the "Unrelated Server" to transfer "Content" back directly to the "Browser" are, in fact, extensive, but are limited.

This elegantly simple procedure requires only minimal additional software coding; it is a one-line "Plugin". This procedure is different from existing procedures in that nothing else is required.

The method disclosed here is subject to "Primary Server" control. It can only be activated if the "Primary Server" includes the simple "W3C Rules" instruction code to initiate trusted augmented methods that the "Primary Server" has coordinated with the "Unrelated Server". By removing that code, the pathway is interrupted and the "Unrelated Server" cannot perform any tasks on behalf of the "Primary Server". The "Primary Server" is free to engage any other "Unrelated Server". The "Unrelated Server" that enables this intervention can reside behind firewalls completely controlled by the "Unrelated Server" or behind firewalls that are completely controlled by the "Primary Server".
Current Website Content Creation
Existing patents in this category include #US10,394,962B2 Aug.27,2019 (METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR THE DYNAMIC CREATION OF A TRANSLATED WEBSITE ... claiming the benefit of priority of #61/432, 987, filed Jan 14, 2011 and #13/179, 881, filed on Jul 7, 2011. The current state of the art of content-delivery has not changed since 2011.

US10,394,962B2 Abstract - Page 1, Item (57) - states: "Systems and method are disclosed for dynamically creating a translated virtual website based on a machine translation of an existing website without adding any code to the source website".
However what is implied inside this patent is organization and that must be done – by a large complex system - at the Primary Server level for each and every Primary Server ...
- Page 12 Section 5 Line 55 ... "For example, a given company's employee who speaks only German might wish to create a virtual website of the company' s public or private web pages that are only available in
- Page 12 Section 5 Line 67 ... "original- language website may be identified by the base URL :"
- Page 12 Section 6 Line 18 ... "To request a Spanish language translation of original language website, for example, a user may enter one of several URLs ( e.g., http://www.origi or http://www.original-language )."
- Page 13, Section 7 Line 47 ... "The dynamic banner may display the progress of the translation , such as a percentage of the page that has been translated."

That patented procedure does not manipulate any aspects within a Browser to allow the Browser to be involved in the production and display of modified end data. Rather the patent, as claimed, is simply a method of sending different forms of information to a Browser from the Primary Server only.

This Process: Features and Benefits

Simplicity: The "Primary Server" needs only the addition of a simple deflection instruction code to each website page that contains originating content.. This can be accomplished by using a standard webpage template containing the deflection instruction code.. Nothing further is required.
Minimal Resource Utilization: The storage and processing resources associated with each and every "Primary Server" are not burdened with the capacity and/or organizational requirement to store and manage multiple copies of augmented webpage content. Eliminating the need for access to programming expertise and computer-based protocols – with associated costs – bringing the costs to near-zero and opens new opportunities to everyone, not just those who can afford the additional time and expense to bring their product to an international marketplace.
Efficient Synchronization: When changes are made to the originating content, there is no need for complex synchronization of various versions of stored webpages. There always exists ONLY ONE COPY of the website content. Each and every update is always displayed.
Speed: High speed 5-G networks enable the "Browser" to receive each new augmented Content in, approximately, 1/1000th of second. Higher processor computer chips inside a "Device" enable the "Component" cycle to be displayed in an additional 1/1000th of a second.
Reporting: The "Unrelated Server" can also send dynamic reports, or any augmented content, back to the "Primary Server" directly, bypassing the Browser.

This Process: Method

The following sequence of steps and associated software programming instructions implement a method for simplified, quick and efficient processing, augmentation, reconstitution and display of unrelatedly processed and augmented content to a viewer of a web page.

The interconnected technology platform for implementing the method consists of the following
(1) Primary Server (2)Browser (3) Unrelated Server (4) Unrelated Processing Resources

The attached diagram, displaying the following numbered steps, describes the method claimed as applied to a language translation function.

Step 1: Insert Deflection Instruction
A simplified software code instruction plug-in is inserted into each web page of a website on the Primary Server. The instruction designates the Unrelated Server as an approved authorized source of data and instructions.>/span>

Step 2: Access Content
A Browser accesses the website on the Primary Server and navigates to a particular web page (that includes the plug- in).

Step 3: Display Content
The content and instructions of that web page is transmitted to the Browser.
The Browser creates new content that can be displayed on the Device. Within the operational procedures of the Device (e.g.: swiping the main screen to view "the weather" and then swiping back to the Primary Server content), the Browser re-creates different content to be displayed in a cycle as needed, over and over again.

Step 4: Transmit Content
Before the content from the Primary Server is displayedand then not displayedand displayed again, the plug-in instructs the Browser to transmit a snapshot of its newly derived instruction to a designated Unrelated Server. The Browser repeats Step 3 in a continuous loop according to the "swiping" requirements of the Client.

Step 5: Engage Unrelated Processing Resource
The Unrelated Server engages its own software instructions as well as Unrelated Processing Resources form (yet another) Unrelated Server to perform processing functions that create modified or augmented content. That functionality could be for example: translation of text into another language, Artificial Intelligence processing of a query, selected insertion of supplementary targeted advertising content or any other Unrelated data processing functionality.

Step 6: Control of Processing Function
Options may be incorporated that would enable selection and control of the Unrelated processing function to be performed. For example, displaying country flag images would provide a Client to direct original text content be translated into the language associated with the country flag selected.

Step 7: Reconstituted Presentation
The augmented content is reconstituted to conform with specified parameters for presentation. For example, code could be inserted to conform to the unique characteristics of the selected language (e.g.: right to left sequencing of characters)and the formatting of the original webpage (e.g.: adjusted size of font to fit augmented text within the limitations of existing text box boundaries)as well as re-positioning of images adjacent to text.

Step 8: Display Augmented Content
The content and instructions of that augmented web page is transmitted to the Browser. The Browser creates newer content that can be displayed on the Device. Step 3 is overridden and Step 4 is repeated.


Example #1: Translation Services:
Currently a business that utilizes a Server to create an internet website to sell shoes worldwide in localized languages must provide all of that content. Each webpage must be translated into every language. When changes are required to the original webpage (e.g.: a particular shoe size or color is sold out, or a sale price is offered etc.) each and every translated version is no longer synchronized.
The consequences include:
a) Increased delay and complexity of international customer support,
b) A need for expensive time-critical translation services in multiple languages,
c) A need for increased capacity and new procedures to synchronize the new versions of content,
d) A need for more highly-qualified staff.
e) A continued refocusing from 10% product (shoes) to 90% display (localized languages) by a company ONLY structured to produce product (shoes).
Applying this method a Server could seamlessly delegate all translation of text elements to a third-party server that engages the Unrelated processing capability of an AI context translation service. The originating Server only needs to maintain resources to deliver the original content. In addition, the time delay to make changes and render a completely updated synchronized website is in the order of 5 seconds per webpage per language, instead of weeks or even months. A business can be confident that every customer will always receive the latest information, regardless of the localized language needs of each client. A business can remain structured to 90% product and 10% display.

Example #2: Simple Images:
In order for the originating Server to display images of each shoe in different colors, that primary Server is required to create, store and manage images of the same shoe in different colors. Applying this method the originating Server does not need to create and store multiple images in different colors. Instead the enterprise establishes a relationship with a third-party service provider which can make available the Unrelated AI processing functionality needed to dynamically create versions in various colors.

Example #3: Complex Images:
In order for the originating Server to display images of models wearing shoes that match the ethnic characteristics of the local population in various international markets, the Server must create, store, organize and deliver near-identical images with ethnically-diverse models. Applying this method the originating Server does not need to create near-identical images. Instead the enterprise establishes a relationship with a third-party service provider which can make available the Unrelated AI processing functionality needed to adjust faces, skin tone and clothes of each identifiable ethnic group of customers to match the characteristics of each market.

Example #4: The democratization of the internet:
Currently each and every business that utilizes a Server to create an internet website – whether "just starting" or "a large enterprise" – must transition from a product organization to a delivery organization. Applying this method ANY originating Server can realize significant cost saving in outsourcing "product display" in orders of magnitude of similar to air-travel costs in the 1970s vs air-travel costs today. Applying this method, ANY Unrelated Serveranywhere - can formulate "Software as an End Service"to provide customized augmentations to customized Primary Servers

    OUR PLUG-IN happens AFTER a client contacts your website
  • Access YOUR Content
    • A Browser accesses YOUR website and navigates to a particular web page (that includes the plug-in).
  • Display YOUR Content / re-create the Browser
    • The SERVER content and instructions of that web page is transmitted FROM YOU to the Browser.
    • The Browser creates DISPLAY content as best as it can / but different from / the SERVER content and instructions.
    • The more your website follows W3C protocol, the more cosistent your code is displayed as you intended it to be
    • Every browser displays every page At LEAST slightly differently than any other Browser - "the curse" of the webpage designer, but also "proof" that there is a different between SERVER code and BROWSER displays.
  • Once re-created, the Browser follows user clicks and Javascript instructions to re-create the Browser as needed - over and iver again.

    There are 3 steps involved in displaying YOUR WEBSITE to the browser:
  • The Browser downloads your web page and all the separate pieces needed to instruct the Browser on how to best display its content.
  • Those instructions include our plug-in - that includes a special Javascript instruction:
    $(document).ready(function () {
       ... our code ...
  • Once everything is downloaded, the web page ( the document) is "ready" and our Javascript instructions are executed by the Browser.
  • Ultimately our instructions tell the browser to re-create itself with different (translated) words and to add entry point to any add-ons that YOU have instructed us to apply and to re-create the Browser with this new content.
  • AND THEN WE ARE DONE. There is no more direct interaction with our plug-in

    Some webpages create inner web pages
    (for example: a selling website will replace parts of the web page with a new selection of items for sale - by using different Javascript finctions as designed BY YOU).
  • We have created our Javascript injection code translate.snippet to interrupt the output of YOUR CODE to the translator and then to diusplay thar new content.
  • YOU MUST ADD this code to every Javascript function that creates inner web pages.
    See FAQ: (How do I translate data from an AJAX call?)

    Some web pages contain Javascript initialization instructions:
    IF your code contains the Javascript instruction:
    $(document).ready(function () {
    ... YOUR code ...
  • there is a "race condition" where YOUR CODE may be executed AFTER our code - and is not translated. Sorry, the only work around is in the hands of your programmers.

    Some web pages contain Javascript variables
    IF your code contains Javascript variables similar to: 
          var hello="Welcome to our Website" 
    • We utilize standard Javascript pricerdures to handle this situation
      • In your HTML page create the following:
      • In your Javascript code, display your message by calling a Javascript function, for example:
        function display_hello(id){ document.getElementById(id).style.display="block" }

      Some web pages incorporate Server-side PUSH technology
    • We utilize CURL
  • YOU MUST ADD our CURL utility
    See FAQ: (How do I SEND server-side emails? )