AI Support DOCS


Manage Conversations

Conversations have a total of four different statuses: mark as read, archive, delete and restore. You can manage the status of a conversation by opening it in the conversations area and then clicking any of the corresponding icon buttons in the top right of the conversation window.

Search for conversations

You can search for conversations by department ID, assigned agent ID, conversation title, conversation ID, message text, message attachments name, user first name, user last name, user email


  • When you empty the trash, all the conversations in the trash are permanently deleted.
  • When a user sends a new message to an archived or trashed conversation, the conversation is automatically restored and will now be visible in the Inbox area.
  • Trashed conversations are deleted automatically after 30 days.
  • When a user is deleted, all the conversations and messages are permanently deleted too.
  • An agent can delete their messages by opening the message menu and clicking Delete. The message menu becomes visible when you hover the mouse cursor over the message.

Text Editor and Automated Messages Features

The text editor of the admin area and automated messages(example: welcome and subscribe messages) can be used to create stylized messages:

  • — All text links are automatically converted to clickable hyperlinks.
  • — The editor also supports text formatting syntax:
    • To make text bold, surround it with *: *your text*.
    • To make text italic, surround it with __: __your text__.
    • To make text strikethrough, surround it with ~: ~your text~.
    • To insert a single-line code comment, surround it with`: `your text`.
    • To insert a code block, surround it with ```: ```your text```.
  • HTML and other code languages — For security reasons, no HTML, JavaScript (JS), or other code languages are permitted. However, you can use HTML snippets by utilizing custom rich messages (discussed below).
  • To insert a line break into a message, use the keyboard combination SHIFT + ENTER or CTRL + ENTER.

Merge fields

Merge fields are strings replaced by external values when used. Merge fields can be used in any message or automated message, including chatbot messages.

Code Description
Full name of the active user.
Email of the active user.
Full name of the active agent.
Email of the active agent.

Rich Messages

Rich messages are special messages with interactive features like buttons, dropdowns, or inputs. They allow an agent to request information from the user via a user input form or to diplay interactive contents. Rich messages can be inserted into a chat message using shortcodes. Shortcodes accept various parameters like title and description. The available rich messages are listed below.

Rich Messages

Name Shortcode Description
[card image="URL" header="TITLE" description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amete" link="URL" link-text="Purchase" extra="$599" target="_blank"]
Call-to-action card with an image, title, description, link, and more.
[slider image-1="URL" header-1="TITLE" description-1="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amete" link-1="URL" link-text-1="Purchase" extra-1="$599" image-2="URL" header-2="TITLE" description-2="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amete" link-2="URL" link-text-2="Purchase" extra-2="$599" target="_blank"]
Slider of call-to-action cards with an image, title, description, link, and more. You can add up to 10 slides.
Slider images
[slider-images images="URL,URL,URL"]
Slider of images.
[chips options="A,B,C"]
List of buttons.
[buttons options="A,B,C"]
List of buttons.
[select options="A,B,C"]
Dropdown list of options.
[inputs values="A,B,C" button="Send now"]
List of text inputs.
[email name="true" last-name="true" phone="true" phone-required="false" placeholder=""]
Form to collect the user's email and phone number. All attributes are optional. Follow up settings used as default values. Add the attribute required-messaging-apps="true" to force users to provide their email and phone on messaging apps. Merge fields are supported.
Registration form.
[articles link="https://.../articles-demo"]
Articles with search area. The link attribute is used as fallback message for Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram messages.
[rating label-positive="Helpful" label-negative="Not helpful" label="Rate and review" success-negative=""]
Agent rating form. To make the rating shortcode work on WhatsApp, Messenger, and the other channels, you need to use Dialogflow and the chatbot, create a new Intent with rating as input Context, nothing as output Context, a list of the user's most common messages for a positive rating as Training phrases(e.g. good, positive) and { "rating": 1, "force-message": true } as Custom Payload response. For the negative rating create a new intent with same context but replace the training phrases and the custom payload to { "rating": -1, "force-message": true } . The shortcode must include also a title or message.
[list values="A,B,C"]
Text list.
List double
[list values="A:X,B:Y,C:Z"]
Text list with titles.
List image
[list-image values="URL:A,URL:B,URL:C"]
Text list with titles and images.
[table header="A,B,C" values="A:B:C,A:B:C,A:B:C"]
[button link="https://..." name="Click here" target="_blank" style="link"]
Display a link or open an article. The attribute target="_blank" is optional and open the link in a new window. The attribute style="link" is optional and change the button design. To open an article on click the link value must be #article-ID, replace ID with the article ID.
[video type="youtube" id="0TImic4N1ko" height="350"]
Display a YouTube or Vimeo video. The value of the attribute type can be youtube or vimeo. The attribute id is the ID of the video, get it from the URL. The attribute height is optional and sets the video height in px.
[image url="https://.../media/admin.png"]
[share fb="https://.../" tw="https://.../" li="https://.../" pi="https://.../" wa="https://.../"]
Social share buttons.


If your texts include commas you need to replace all commas with the characters \,.

Global parameters

All of the rich messages support the following parameters:

Parameters Description
The ID of the rich message (used also to save the JSON data).
The rich message title.
The rich message description that appears underneath the title.
The message that appears when the user completes and sends the rich message. The user input is appended to this message.
Extra field for optional extra values.

Use rich messages in the chatbot

You have to create a Dialogflow chatbot, then simply enter the rich message shortcode into the text response of the Intent.

Rich message response

When a user completes a rich message, the response data is saved in JSON format in the database under table sb_messages and column payload. Example:

{"rich-messages":{"4Voyu":{"type":"email","result":{"email":["","Your email..."]}}}}

Rich message translations

To translate a rich message string, the original rich message text must be in english, add the exact english text and its translations in Setting > Translations > Front End.

Show a rich message on chat initialization

To display a rich message, such as a list of buttons, when a user initiates a chat for the first time, insert the rich message shortcode into the welcome message.

Custom rich messages

You can create custom rich messages with your own custom content by going to Settings > Miscellaneous. Currently, custom rich messages are static and there are no interactive options available as there are with shortcodes. However, you can insert custom HTML codes.

HTML codes

When creating a custom rich message, you can use the following codes:

Code Description
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sb-rich-btn sb-btn">Click here</a>
Link with button design.
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sb-rich-btn sb-btn-text">Click here</a>
<div class="sb-image"><img src="" class="sb-image" /></div>
Image that zoom on click.

Built-in messages

The built-in messages are pre-programmed messages sent automatically by Support Board. You can find them by going to Settings > Messages.

Offline message

Notify the user when their message is sent outside of the scheduled office hours or all agents are offline.

  • Text formatting is supported.
  • Merge fields are supported.
  • To learn more about the office hours option, please click here.
  • The offline message is sent to the same user maximum 1 time per hour.
  • If the chatbot's human takeover feature is activated, the offline message is only sent during human takeover.
  • If you or any other agent is online using Slack, the offline message will not be sent.

Privacy message

Present a privacy message accompanied by Accept and Decline buttons. The user's approval by clicking on the Accept button is required to start using the chat. This feature ensures privacy policy enforcement and GDPR compliance.

  • The privacy message is not shown if the Require registration option has been enabled.
  • The privacy message is also sent to messaging channels like WhatsApp, but the user does not have the option to approve or decline the privacy policy. The messaging functionalities are not blocked either. The message is sent after the user initiates the conversation by sending their first message.

Pop-up message

Show a pop-up notification to all users.

  • The popup message is always shown until the user manually closes it; then it stays closed.

Welcome message

Send a message to new users when they visit the website for the first time.

  • Text formatting is supported.
  • Merge fields are supported.
  • Rich messages are supported.
  • The welcome message is not sent to slack.
  • Conversations containing only the welcome message (and no response) are automatically archived.

Follow up message

If no agents respond within the specified time interval, a message will be sent to request the user's details, such as their email.

  • Text formatting is supported.
  • Merge fields are supported.
  • If the delay is not set, a dynamic time interval is utilized and it is determined as follows: If Settings > Miscellaneous > Office hours is configured, and the current time falls within the defined office hours, or if at least one agent is online, then the delay will be set to 15 seconds. In all other cases, the delay will be set to 5 seconds.
  • Follow-up messages are sent a maximum of once every 24 hours.
  • If the user provides an email address and the newsletter feature is enabled, the email address will be subscribed.
  • The follow-up message is sent only to users without email address.
  • If the chatbot's human takeover feature is activated, the follow-up message is only sent during human takeover.

Subscribe message

If no agents respond within the specified time interval, a message will be sent to request the user's details, such as their email.

  • Text formatting is supported.
  • Merge fields are supported.
  • If the user provides an email address and the newsletter feature is enabled, the email address will be subscribed.
  • The subscribe message is sent only to users without email address.
  • If the chatbot's human takeover feature is activated, the offline message is only sent during human takeover.


The allowed file attachments extensions are set in the supportboard/include/upload.php file. The following image formats are displayed automatically:.jpg,.jpeg,.png.

Add new allowed file extensions by adding the code define("SB_FILE_EXTENSIONS", ["exe", "abc",...]) to the config.php file of your Support Board installation folder. Replace ["exe", "abc",...] with an array containing the extensions you want to allow.

For instructions on sending attachments with a chatbot, click here.

More information

Here, you can access information regarding a variety of features associated with conversations.


Tags enable more efficient organization and grouping of conversations. Please refer to the information below for further details.

  • You can manage the tags from Settings > Admin > Tags.
  • Tags can be assigned to conversations through different methods: via the admin area by navigating to Settings > Automations > More, through Dialogflow actions, and by inserting the JS variable SB_DEFAULT_TAGS into a page showing the chat or into a web page displaying the chat or the tickets panel.
  • To locate conversations with specific tags, simply enter the tag names into the search bar located at the top-left corner of the admin conversations area, or you can select the desired tag from the dedicated filters menu on top-left. The tags filter is visible only if at least one tag is assigned to a conversation.
  • You can disable the tags from Settings > Admin > Disable tags.


Notes allow users to add comments to conversations that are only visible to agents and admins.


The full conversation can be sent to the user by the agent or admin as a transcript file.

  • Agents and admins can send conversation transcripts to users by clicking the Transcript button in the top-right corner of the admin's conversation window.
  • You can autoamtically send the transcript to the user when you archive a conversation by using the close message available at Settings > Messages > Close message.
  • You can send the transcript to the user only if the user has an email.

Manage Users

Manage users from the Users area in the left menu of the admin area.

Search users

You can search users by name, surname, email, and custom fields.

Delete users

You can delete a user by opening the User edit box and then clicking Delete user. To delete multiple users at once, select the users you want to delete from the Users table and then click the top right Delete icon.

  • When a user is deleted, all of their conversations and messages are automatically deleted permanently.
  • The conversation attachments will be deleted permanently. If AWS S3 is enabled, also the AWS S3 files will be deleted.
  • If a user of a deleted user come back to the website, a new user is automatically created.
  • Visitors are automatically deleted every 24 hours.

Additional user table columns

To display additional columns in the user table go to Settings > Admin > Users table additional columns and add the new columns. The value of each column is the slug of the user detail or extra user detail you want to display. The slug is lowercase and with spaces replaced by the char -. For example, the slug of the extra user detail "Date of birth" is "date-of-birth".

User types

Type Description
A "user" is any user with an email.
A "lead" is any user with no user details, who is automatically registered, and with at least one conversation.
A "visitor" is any user who has not started a conversation. Note: Visitors are automatically deleted every 24 hours.

Manage Agents and Admins

Manage, create, and delete agents and admins from the Users area.

  • Configure agents' privileges and permissions from Settings > Admin > Agent privileges.
  • It can create a supervisor from Settings > Admin > Supervisor. The Supervisor is a special agent with specific privileges, it must be an administrator. You can add multiple supervisors by adding comma separated admin IDs.
  • To create an agent or ad admin, go to the users area and click the button Add user on the top right.
  • Only agents and admins can log in the Support Board admin area.
  • When you activate the Support Board plugin on WordPress, an admin account is automatically created using the same username and password as the currently logged-in user.

Registration Form

The registration form is a pre-chat form that requires the user to enter specific information before starting the chat.

  • You can use the registration form as a pre-chat form by limiting the information requested to the user to only the user's email address or the user name, for example.
  • The log-in form is shown only if the registration password field is shown.
  • The password field is always shown when the user system is set to "WordPress".
  • If Settings> Users > Allow Duplicate Emails is enabled and a user enters an already registered email, a new user is created and the email is removed from the old user. The new user will not have access to the old user's messages and conversations. You can also automatically log in a user via URL parameters.



  • New users are automatically displayed in the user table in real time.
  • To view online users enable Settings > Users > Register all visitors.
  • To receive the online user notification you have to enable Settings > Notifications > Online users notification, Settings > Miscellaneous > Pusher (if you are using the cloud version, this setting is automatically activated) and Settings > Users > Register all visitors. The feature covers all user types, including visitors and leads. Notifications are only sent once per user within a 24-hour period.
  • Agents and admins can set their status to online or offline from the bottom-left profile panel. If the option Settings > Notifications > Away mode is active, the offline status is activated automatically when the agent or admin has been inactive in the admin area for at least 10 minutes. Inactivity is defined as not performing any mouse clicks, movements, or key presses. The automatic offline status feature is not enabled on mobile devices. For this feature to work correctly, Pusher should be enabled.

Login verification URL

The login verification URL feature can be found under Settings > Users > Login verification URL in Support Board. This feature allows Support Board to authenticate an external login from an external source and automatically register and log in the user. The expected response from the URL should be a JSON object like below:

        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "profile_image": "https://.../user.svg",
        "department": null,
        "password": "",
        "details": [
                "slug": "location",
                "name": "Location",
                "value": "New York, United States"
                "slug": "country_code",
                "name": "Country code",
                "value": "America/New_York"

The value first_name is required.

    Additional Documentation Availbe to Customers Only
  • Settings
  • Notifications
  • Google
  • Open-AI
  • AI
  • WP
  • Woo Commerce
  • Tickets
  • WhatsApp
  • Messenger
  • Twitter
  • GBM
  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • Slack
  • Pwrfex
  • Zen Desk
  • Open cart
  • UMP
  • ARmember
  • Active Ecommerce
  • MartFury
  • Line
  • WeChat
  • Miscellaneous